The First Breath of Resurrection
In the stillness of my thoughts, I find myself drawn to the tomb. I imagine sitting there, surrounded by darkness, waiting in the silence, wondering what might come next. It’s not just an exercise in imagination—it’s something deeper, something stirring. This moment of reflection compels me to explore, to lean in closer.
Almost imperceptible, a faint heartbeat breaks the silence—a soft, rhythmic thump that grows steadily louder. Warmth begins to spread, creeping through once-lifeless limbs. Color returns to the face, chasing away the pallor of death. Eyelids flutter, and with a sudden, sharp intake of breath, the chest rises and falls. The stillness has been broken.
Suddenly, with a dramatic burst, life surges back like a wave crashing against the shore. The heart pounds with vigor. Muscles twitch. Eyes snap open, filled with light and awareness. The transformation is immediate, undeniable. This is not the gentle stirring of a sleeper waking. This is something far greater—life reclaiming what was lost, a victory over death itself.
As we reflect on these moments, we are drawn into both awe and celebration. The resurrection reminds us that life can emerge from the darkest places, that hope is never truly gone. Our Savior is alive again, and with Him, everything changes.
One more thing: What was that first expression from Jesus to the world he has reclaimed?
- Did a gentle smile creep onto His face, hinting at the joy of life returning?
- Did He slyly open an eye and wink, as if sharing a secret with the universe?
- Did a soft cough escape His lungs, breaking the silence?
- Did He abruptly sneeze, a sudden burst of life?
- Did His eyes slowly widen in wonder, taking in the world anew?
- Did He laugh, a sound of pure joy?
It’s a beautiful thought, imagining that first expression to the world He created and made new. Thank you for sharing it with me.
Additional Explorations on the Resurrection
If you’d like to explore more reflections on the resurrection and its first moments, here are some insightful blog posts to consider:
- Imagining the Gospel: Easter Sunday, the Resurrection of the Lord – A reflection using imagination to place oneself in the Gospel scenes, engaging the senses in the experience of the resurrection.
- Now Discern This: Those First Resurrection Moments – A Jesuit reflection on the first moments of the Risen Christ, considering what His initial experiences may have been.
- Reflections on Christ’s Resurrection – A deeper dive into the meaning of Christ’s resurrection and its impact on faith.
- The Events of the Morning of Christ’s Resurrection – A chronological look at the morning of Jesus’ resurrection, offering context and rich details.
- Imagining Resurrection – A thoughtful exploration of resurrection, challenging readers to consider its significance and implications.