by chetcromer | Aug 15, 2013 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
Today marks 14 years of marriage for Erin and I. As I sit here listening to Erin crack up over a brand new episode of Duck Dynasty, I figured it was a good time to jot some things down. I mean, just look at that picture? Two twenty-two year olds standing before God...
by chetcromer | Aug 1, 2013 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
“I am a loving husband and involved father, who places my family above all other relationships in my life.” So goes one of the key “statement of truth” affirmations I have written on a post it and hung in my bath room mirror. One of at least...
by chetcromer | Jul 7, 2013 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
Well, that was an expedition! Took my two kids into town today for some work at our church as we prep for a week of VBS with some tweens followed by lunch and a shopping trip. How my wife does things like this on a daily basis, I hope to never know (although being...
by chetcromer | Jun 21, 2013 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
I’m reading Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. Here are some quotes and thoughts I’m gleaning. “Wives are made to love. Want to love. And expect to love. Many husbands fail to deliver. … there’s another part…....
by chetcromer | May 31, 2011 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
I love this analogy by John Piper and figured I’d better get it recorded here so I don’t lose it (again). The Compost Pile – John Piper So what about the compost pile? Picture your marriage as a grassy field. You enter it at the beginning full of...