by chetcromer | Mar 31, 2013 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
Today I had the pleasure of one of my students asking me what MY favorite part of Easter is. Love it when they ask me for my opinion. My favorite part? The surprise. That first Easter morning wasn’t full of the expectation and joy we experience now…...
by chetcromer | Mar 5, 2013 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
My favorite new song from the conference I was at this weekend is called Faithful and True, by the Jordon Howerton Band. When I boil down the doubts in my life, what remains is a fear that God really ISN’T who He says He is. This weekend reminded me that...
by chetcromer | Sep 12, 2012 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
If you’ve never read the book Nehemiah, I’d encourage you do to so. Especially if you’re a leader of any sorts. You could pull this book out of the Bible, toss it up on a bookshelf of leadership books, and it would stand the test of time. Put into...
by chetcromer | Oct 25, 2011 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
“Your will be done, on earth, as it is in Heaven.” How often have we heard that line of the Lord’s Prayer and said, “Yes, God! YOUR will be done. Not mine.” And yet 10 minutes later we’re griping because we’re stuck in traffic...
by chetcromer | Jan 15, 2011 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
So I don’t have any way to prove this, and you can’t disprove it, but it really doesn’t matter. I’m going to take the liberty to allow the idea in my head that I almost ran over an angel with my sled tonight. Tonight a gaggle of us went...