by chetcromer | Jul 30, 2009 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
The way an Eagle learns to fly has been coming up in several conversations I’ve had with friends lately. I found this telling of the process on the web a few days ago, and want to post it here. The…..eaglet was now alone in the nest. Each time a parent...
by chetcromer | Jul 28, 2009 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
So we’re having an end of the summer party for the teens of our church this Friday night into Saturday… really looking forward to it. Trying to think of some confidence / trust building games we could work into it to make it both meaningful and fun. I...
by chetcromer | Jul 27, 2009 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
PRAYER What is prayer? Talking “to” God? Talking “with” God? Does He talk back? Conversation with God Listening to Is it a two sided “conversation” or a one way street? PRAISE Is praise always a joyful thing? Ps 145:1-8 what...