by chetcromer | Mar 31, 2013 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
Today I had the pleasure of one of my students asking me what MY favorite part of Easter is. Love it when they ask me for my opinion. My favorite part? The surprise. That first Easter morning wasn’t full of the expectation and joy we experience now…...
by chetcromer | Mar 11, 2013 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
Today is one of those days where nature feels almost monochromatic. Gray skies. Brown grass. Mud. Leaf-less trees, fog, and puddles. The occasional chipmumk quietly skurrying across a damp path. If it were not for days like today, days like those we will experience...
by chetcromer | Mar 5, 2013 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
Well, Intuit QuickBooks… I told your customer service rep that I’d let my friends know you offered me a deal last week for $60 off the upgrade you forced me into on your software, only to offer me $150 off plus a free mobile charger one week...
by chetcromer | Mar 5, 2013 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
My favorite new song from the conference I was at this weekend is called Faithful and True, by the Jordon Howerton Band. When I boil down the doubts in my life, what remains is a fear that God really ISN’T who He says He is. This weekend reminded me that...
by chetcromer | Mar 2, 2013 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
I’m attending the Simply Youth Ministry Conference here in Indianapolis this weekend. It’s a conference for youth workers, BY youth workers. I’m there for a number of reasons, one of which is to share with some of those I meet my passion for building...