We sent the following email to a select group of friends, families, and professionals earlier today. As we prepare to launch ME2U, we’re excited to bring others on board.

I’m writing today to share news about an event associated with our up-and-coming family friendly messaging service aimed to help groups communicate with teens and children in a manner founded on the values of safety, accountability, and persistent positive input.

It’s been said that teenagers interact with their cell phones over 250 times a day, and stats tell us that the average teen sends well over 3,000 text messages each month (Nielsen). While most of these messages are to and from their friends, there are also many adults interacting with our children on any given day, and text messaging has come to be a very effective way to reach them. This raises the question: How can parents ensure that the communication between their children and the invested adults in their lives is appropriate, in line with family values, and not crossing dangerous boundaries? One-to-one text messaging and mass-texting systems offer no accountability and give group leaders direct access to personal contact information, allowing leaders to directly communicate with teens with little to no accountability with the parents.

Our solution to this problem is ME2U (Me To You). Once a group is created within our system, parents are invited to authorize their children to receive text messages from the group. No personal exchange of cell phone numbers is ever needed, and when the group leader sends a message, all he sees is the names of those within their group. In addition to this layer of privacy, parents receive a weekly email digest showing them all messages sent to their children through our system. These layers of safety, privacy, and accountability make our system unique and a great tool for the belt of teachers, coaches, youth pastors, mentors, and any number of other adult leaders who need to stay in contact with youth.

We are nearing completion of our system for its initial public release, and are beginning to shift gears to spread the word amongst our family, friends, and like-minded media outlets and resources. Within the next week, we will be launching a fundraising effort to complete our project at Fundable. We would love to see you personally involved in our fund-raising efforts or help us spread the word with your own personal network of family and friends.

 We’ll be in contact again within the next week as we roll out our project on Fundable, but in the meantime, we invite you to follow the project or check out our work in progress at ME2U.US.

Thank you,

Chet Cromer

Founder, ME2U.US
(317) 721-2248