by chetcromer | Aug 1, 2013 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
“I am a loving husband and involved father, who places my family above all other relationships in my life.” So goes one of the key “statement of truth” affirmations I have written on a post it and hung in my bath room mirror. One of at least...
by chetcromer | Nov 13, 2012 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
A bullet point of a day. Not bad, just out of time to put complete thoughts together. Worked through last month’s financials for C2IT. We started really measuring some things about 3 months ago and it’s helped set goals and know what is and isn’t...
by chetcromer | Aug 30, 2010 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
GOAL: LEAD MY SON TO FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST GOAL SUMMARY: I was hesitant to even think of making up a Goal Planning Sheet for this. Why? Well, for starters, the whole point is that I want my son’s decision about his eternal destination to be just that… his...