I started the 6 week challenge at Crossfit Unbreakable this morning. I like how various elements of the workouts scale down so you can start about anywhere and move forward. And of course since I told Coach Jim my first CF goal, he gave me an extra workout to do 4 days a week… can’t say I didn’t ask for it!
I also met some new people and tried saying their names several times to remember them… and so I’ll write them down here for when I forget…
Todd. The guy who’s newer to CF than me but can probably kick my butt on anything involving a bar.
…Drat, I already forgot the other ones. And I’ve also noticed I forget how to count the more tired I am… which is not good when you’re counting to 30 over, and over, and over again.
Today’s WOD:
- 30 Air squats
- 30 ab-mat situps
- 30 pushups
- 30 box overs
I made it through one round and 65 of the second round, doing my pushups on my knees because I’m just not there yet… but I wll be.
Also did 50 reps training for pullups:
- 10/10/5 ring things
- 10/10/5 bar things