by chetcromer | Jan 31, 2010 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
So I had an extra batch of banana bread ingredients the other day, and decided to try something new. It wound up both looking kinda yummy, tasting great, and only adding a few extra calories to my daily intake (if you only take one bite a day, that is). Here’s...
by chetcromer | Jan 12, 2010 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
So yeah, we’re on our way to having another kiddo. Three months along, actually. We thought we’d take a sec to both share the good news and also request your prayers over Erin and her health during the next weeks and months. If you know the story of her...
by chetcromer | Jan 6, 2010 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
Tonight I’m leading the youth group at our church in an hour I’m calling Lessons Learned from a Microwave. This past Sunday, we had a group of them out for the afternoon to perform a variety of “science” experiments using a Microwave to cook...
by chetcromer | Jan 5, 2010 | Thoughts, Uncategorized
We read the beattitudes today on the Daily /Audio Bible. How opposite these are from the world we live in, and the “blessed are those” that seem to be the natural way we find happiness. From the readalong site for today: 3 “God blesses...