There are days so big that you wake up with butterflies in your stomach. And then there are days when you really don’t even see the point of waking up at all. The heart of the matter, though, is that every “today” is part of “tomorrow.” If I treat the days that seem inconsequential as such, my future will probably be rather dull as well. If I allow the stress of “big days” to do my spirit harm over and over again, I’ll fall into a life of timidity or drivenness.
I choose to engage today. To be confident in the person God has made me to be. To ask questions. To learn. To explore. To risk failure. Because in the opportunities that cause me fear, uncertainty, and even pain… on the flip side of the hardship is so much of what I long for – peace, success, rewards, a fruitful life.
Today feels “big.” But in the end, it’s really just another 1,440 minutes that will be gone in a flash. In fact, over 450 of them are already history.