The Horses are Loose!

Another story on the power of prayer… in this one, though, I was mainly an observer. This occured earlier this summer, while my wife, son, and I were over at my mom’s house one Sunday afternoon. We’re all just taking it easy, hanging out at my...

Should I even ask Him?

Prayer has been all over my map this year. In teaching, in being taught, in reading, and even in applying, trying, failing, and succeeding. I was remided yesterday about how “informal” we can be with God in terms of the whole “process,” but how...

Youth Lesson on Prayer

  PRAYER What is prayer? Talking “to” God? Talking “with” God? Does He talk back? Conversation with God Listening to Is it a two sided “conversation” or a one way street? PRAISE Is praise always a joyful thing? Ps 145:1-8 what...


“When I passed by you and saw you squirming in your blood, I said to you while you were in your blood, ‘Live!’ I said to you while you were in your blood, ‘Live!'”Ezekiel 16 I have never read this chapter before. I mean really read. The...