One of my affirmations that I see every day is this: I am a success. I set goals that are important to me and do what is necessary to achieve them.
I am seeing more and more the value of goals. So many things that have got me “stuck” in the past could be attributed to the fact that I didn’t have a true goal in mind. I might have thought that losing some weight was a good goal, for instance, but in fact, it’s so vague and even quite meaningless to me in the long run that it has no motivational power. As I begin to find goals that are important to me, though, I see that losing 20 pounds, for instance, may be a necessary step to accomplishing something very meaningful to me. This heightens my resolve and helps me live life in light of things that are truly important to me, rather than bouncing back and forth between things that really don’t matter much to me.
I’m starting to see this affect areas all over my life. From the goal I set with a friend to cut pop out of our lives and be completely free from it by December 31 to a goal I’m considering of limiting myself to one desert a day, I’m seeing that these are both doable and meaningful. They’ll help me accomplish things I want to do. They’ll lead me down the path I want to go.
These same habits apply to much bigger things in life as well. Whether it’s setting a goal to bring in a quarter million dollars of business revenue in a year, or move my business into a new niche that we could excel in, these are much more complex situations I’m going to have to deal with. But they are achievable. They are also meaningful. And as I further develop the skills to set, plan for, and achieve these goals, I believe I will see them come to pass at a much higher frequency than before in my life (and frankly, a much higher percentage then most people I know).
I had a great coaching experience again today with Mark Sturgell. If you’re in a rut, if you see some changes that need to be made but can’t get from here to there, or can’t even get past go, why don’t you consider giving him a call? He’s been a life-changer for me when it comes to looking ahead to a bright future and beginning to see that It. Is. Possible. And it may even be what God’s wanted me to do with my life all along.