Leadership: Grow and Learn

How can I be a godly leader? That’s the question of the disucussion I’m leading on our church’s high school youth group tomorrow morning. This is the third lesson in a series of four, and I haven’t been present for the first two lessons, nor do...

Weariness and Motivation

I’m in one of those seasons of life where tiredness, and even exhaustion, is more than something felt more than at certain points of the day… it’s more of a permanent state of mind. A big part of it, I’m sure, is the “role”...

Dream #61 – Hit A Home Run

Part of my business / life coaching experience is looking inside myself for what I really want to do. As I develop an inventory of 100+ dreams, I am searching inside myself for what motivates me. I believe that a big part of this experience is to explore the unknowns...